I'm here to provide effective science based nutritional care so that you can feed your family with ease.

It is my mission to help as many families as possible find ease and joy when feeding their children using tried and true science-based strategies. 


✔️ healthier eating habits

✔️ self-regulation of food intake

✔️navigate common meal time stressors

✔️understand age typical presentation and how to address them

✔️ more stable growth trajectory across the lifespan


Explore not only what you feed your family, but how. 

Group series for children aged 2- 6 years old: Waitlist now open. 


  + If you're feeling frustrated with feeding your family

  + At a loss of what to serve at the next meal or snack

  + Stressed that your child never likes what you serve

 + Power struggles at the table are a daily occurrence

     + Using feeding tactics that do not align with your          parenting style 

+ Sick and tired of the constant meal times battles

+ Overwhelmed with making seperate meals

+ Wanting to create a positive food foundation for your family 

Long, stressful and dreaded mealtimes have become the norm

+ Worried that your child is not eating enough variety



Children aged 2-6 years

A one of a kind, engaging experience to transform the feeding dynamic in your home.


Join Waitlist


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New on the Blog 

Top tips for Halloween - from an RD perspective

Oct 21, 2024

Busting the BIGGEST nutrition myth: sugar & hyperactivity

Oct 15, 2024

HOW we feed our kids matters - the many benefits

Oct 07, 2024

Nice to meet you!


and I'm a Dietitian!


My goals:

+ to empower families with the knowledge to help their child flourish.

+ to help families worry less and trust more when it comes to feeding their kids.

If you are READY for more joy and ease in your life when it comes to feeding your family - you are in the right place.



Stay up to date with new offerings, updates, first access to booking and even the occasional promo 🤍


DISCLAIMER: This website does not provide medical or nutritional advice, and has been developed for informational purposes only. This website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, dietitian, or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding certain dietary needs or restrictions before proceeding with a new diet or health care regimen. 

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